Friday, 14 August 2020

Moses’ Rod: A Magic Stick or God’s Power?


Moses’ Rod: A Magic Stick or God’s Power?

Harry Potter’s books and films is one of the favorite books and films in our time. It is about magic story and magician life. It shows us a school of magicians, where a magician has to poses their magic stick and have to memorize certain magic words. Only by it, magicians can perform magic and wonders. Without it, they perform nothing.

In the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Traditions, especially in the Bible and Quran, we meet a person Moses who used a magic rod to perform miraculous things. This  rod could  be miraculously changed into serpent and ate others serpents when Moses threw on the ground; by knocking it on the rock, water came; by holding it up, a war was won and victory was there; and by holding it over the sea, the sea was spilt into two. What a magic work of Moses was because of having this rod. But our questions are: why this rod was so powerful? Is it because Moses had inner and magical power or because of this magic rod that Moses could do wonderful and unspeakable wonders? We know that Moses did not enter a school of magician. He did not learn to use magical rod. This rod did not come down from heaven. How and Why this rod so powerful?

According to biblical story, God appeared to Moses in the burning bush at Horeb, in which God revealed Himself as I am who I am and called Moses to free Israelites from slavery of Egypt. But Moses asked God a sign that he could show it to the Israelites that God appeared to him and called him. God, then, asked Moses about what is it in his right hand, and Moses said, “it is staff” and God told him to throw it to the ground and the staff changed to be a snake. (Read Exodus chapter 3-4).

So Moses had a rod with him because of being a shepherd but this rod did not have a power and magical power until he met God and had a mission entrusted to him. In Jewish legend, the rod was believed to be created at the beginning of the world, together with the creation of Adam. It had been passed from Adam to Moses. It means that this rod was a sacred rod because it stayed in the lineage of Patriarchs until Moses. Was this rod so powerful because it came straight from the beginning of creation or because it was God who noticed the presence of it on the right hand of Moses? Did the miraculous actions done by Moses happen because of the rod or because of God? There is an account in the bible that tell us about Moses’ did not listen to God when God asked him to speak to the rock so the rock would provide water for Israelites, instead he hit twice the rock with the rod and water came out and because of it God did not allow him to enter the Promised Land (see the book of Number chapter 20: 8-12).  

Thus, did the rod have a magical power? Or did Moses have the power to perform wonders? Or did the power of wonders come from God? Looking at the story and narrative story of the Moses and his rod, we may say that the rod did not poses any magical power. The power of the rod occurred because of the power of God and because of its being used by Moses, the chosen one of God.

Notes: There is no magic stick or magic rod in our life in order us performing wonders and miracles. The wonders happen because of the power of God and God intends them to be. Miracles can occur in our life because of God’s will. However, the person whom God choses is the one who can be the instrument of God’s miracles works within our life. His life, his words and his presence is the sign of the active God within our life, which can be blessings or curses. On the other hand, the miraculous power of God happens even though it is not done according to God’s intention, but happens because it is done by the chosen one. But of course God will judge and punish him for that action.

Therefore, as Moses has a staff or rod within his right hand because he is a shepherd, we also have our “ordinary rod” in our life, which is our duty, our work and service, and our capabilities, on our hands. We only need God to show to us “this rod” in our life. We need God to make us realize that there is “our rod”. By recognizing the presence of our “rod”, we then, can perform miracles and wonders in our life. We hope that this rod will help us to be confident to our call and to carry our duty freeing our people from slavery of poverty and of ignorance. However, as Harry Potter need a magic words in order to complete his magic, we need God’s word and commands to complete the work of miracles in our life. We need both our “rod” and God’s words; we need matters/forms and grace; and we need our human action and God; so that we can fully perform miracles.  

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