I encountered this last few weeks some people coming to my
place or asking me about whether I have jobs or works to offer and give them. Sometimes
I think and mention to my friends that if I had a lot of money I could have
created more jobs for people. But why people need jobs? Is it because of economic
pressure that we are living nowadays or because of human needs of basic
standard of living? I think so.
In today’s world, our society sees jobs in terms of earning
and of how much you earning. That is why people are competing to get the jobs
with the highest payments. Moreover, the prestige of someone is measured by that of
category. Human relationship is seen in terms of jobs’ category and earnings. This
attitude creates disparities in our society and we look others as our
competitors. Jobs now are dividing the humanity: between employers and employees
and between company owners and the rests. We are creating walls between the top
level jobs, the middle, and the lower by putting the scales of salary according
to the skills, educations, and experience. We are creating social cycles within
our jobs’ levels to support our status quo and to maintain our level of
earnings. These are some aspects of life created by jobs. So why do we need Jobs if at the end these are
the consequences.
As I mentioned in the title that Job is very essential of
being human; however, human manipulates jobs for their own personal interest
and power. Human rides jobs to maintain their status quo and to use jobs as a
way of showing off and of pressurizing others. It is because jobs so essential,
sometimes, others can sacrifice their dignity to get jobs; some can put down
others for jobs; and some can do malice things for jobs. Is it what humanity
wants? I don’t think so.
Jobs and works are crucial for being human. Works should bring
happiness; works should create self-fulfillment; works is life. On the opposite
sides, without work, human feels hopeless and no purpose in life. Therefore,
works make human to be truly human. Why is it like that?
I come to realize that any jobs, whether in the higher or middle
or lower level, ought to bring up some human potentialities which lead to
unity, peace, and happiness. Jobs creates unity; jobs create peace; and jobs
create happiness. Jobs fulfill what the
essence of being human. With jobs, there is relationship; with jobs there is
interdependent; with jobs, there is expression of responsibility towards
humanity. However, what about the nature? Can we do everything for the sake of
job? Can we force and destroy the other creations in the name of creating jobs.
If the goal of jobs is money and power, everything will go to
destruction but if the purpose of jobs is to serve humanity to be more human,
so we should include the creations and earth into the picture of creating the
unity, peace, and happiness world, where every living creatures are seen as pillars
to support others. It means whatever kinds of job I have but it serves the
humanity, I do take part in building up the humanity. I pray so and have a